Fabrica original diy 6.5 Polegada scooter kcq placa-mae para fun?ao de equilibrio acessorios scooter hoverboard 36v sem bluetooth

Código 14:366#Motherboard-KCQ2


8x de R$45,66 sem juros
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We are the factory in Shenzhen, China, and we have long-term orders for Europe, America and Brazil.  Welcome ODM, OEM.

Cheap price 6.5 inch scooter control unit motherboard hoverboard a set mainboard for 2 wheel balance scooter motherboard
!!! Only For 6.5 Inch Scooter USE as Below Pattern:

Motherboard also called control board and mainboard,  it's the most important part of a hoverboard. When your hoverboard with red idicator light on when ride; or have green indicator light on before standing on it; or with wheel unwork. Most of these problems are from control boards,so with our boards you could make your scooter run again.




This motherboard must be equipped with a matching Bluetooth board. The links are as follows:


